Monday, June 21, 2010

Question #1 - "Help! Age Spots?!?"

Q.   Help! I'm only 36 years old and already I'm getting age spots on my face and hands. What gives?

A.   First of all, those brown spots on your face and hands aren't really "age spots" at all; they are sun spots. Look at the skin on your tummy, I bet you'll see clear, smooth, unwrinkled skin - and it's the same age as the skin on your face. Tummy skin is what all the rest of your skin could look like if it hadn't been constantly exposed to wind, sun and environmental pollutants. Most of us who ride in southern California do not have shaded indoor areas so sun exposure is an occupational/recreational hazard. Others enjoy the beach and outdoor activities, not realizing what exactly all that sun exposure is doing to our skin.
How to get rid of the pesky blotches? Forget over the counter "lightening cream." They are an expensive waste of time and money. Prescription products containing hyroquinone, kojic acid, and/or azelaic acid will work, albeit slowly, as will a series of chemical peels. However, the best and fastest treatment is the intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacial. Minimally sun damaged skin can be cleared in one or two session.Once you have your smooth, clear skin you must protect it from further damage using sunscreen, hats, protectant clothing and minimizing your time in the sun when it is the the strongest; between 10am and 4pm.

Check in soon for another question and answer from Dr. Donna. And remember, feel free to comment and/or ask any questions you may have....after all this is your face we are talking about here!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you

